marți, 19 octombrie 2010

Gone out for a Walk...

She's gone out for a walk,
there is no need for talk
There was no emotion on her face,
as she went to an unknown place.
I don't know what it's like,
when there's nothing left inside,
But she left without a word,
out of this cruel world.
She opened her wings and flew
towards the light,
In her heart,everything
seemed to be all right,as she left me behind.

Now,as time passes by
I promise myself I won't cry,
no matter how hard I try,
these tears just won't dry.
I know I should have kept you closer,
On that fateful day of October.
I've let go of your hands,
now it's too late to make amends.
The only thing that's left inside,
is the memory of your smile,
from the first day we met,
which I won't ever regret.

She's gone out for a walk,
there was no need for talk.
Her face was filled by emotion,
that keeps my heart in motion.
As I lie in my bed,I toss this nightmare
In the depths of my mind,where it belongs,
Just right there...

She's gone out for a walk...

Newest poem.
Felt like it,to sit down,and begin to write again.Dunno why,don't ask xD
Well,I don't think that this is any good in my opinion,but y'all can decide for yourselves;)
Have fun reading:D

Un comentariu:

  1. so, precum iti spuneam la facultate: really nice poem, dar ai vreo 2 mici greseli. :D
    in a doua strofa, la "I know I should've have kept you closer" - should'VE HAVE. ori pui 've, ori have. :P ma gandesc ca stii de ce... :))
    iar cu un vers mai jos, la fatefull .. fate = soarta/faith = speranta. si full e cu un singur l, oricare ar fi cazul. :D
